When was Danaos Corporation’s public offering?
Danaos Corporation announced the pricing of its initial public offering of common stock
at $21.00 per share on October 5, 2006. Danaos’ common shares began trading on the
New York Stock Exchange on October 9, 2006.
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What is the stock symbol and CUSIP number for Danaos Corporation common stock?
Danaos Corporation’s common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under
the ticker symbol DAC. The CUSIP number for Danaos Corporation’s common stock is Y1968P121.
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How can I purchase shares of Danaos Corporation common stock?
Danaos Corporation currently does not have a direct purchase program. Danaos
common stock can be purchased through a broker of a financial institution that deals in
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Who is Danaos Corporation’s stock transfer agent?
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company is our transfer agent and can be contacted at:
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Operations Center
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Web: http://www.amstock.com
U.S. Toll Free: (800) 937-5449
Outside the U.S.: (718) 921-8124
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How can I get the current Danaos Corporation stock price and historical prices?
Current and historical stock price information is available on our website at this link.
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Who is on Danaos Corporation’s Board of Directors?
A list of Danaos’ board members with their biographies can be found on our website
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Who is on Danaos Corporation’s management team?
Information on Danaos’ management team can be found here.
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Where can I find Danaos Corporation’s governance documents?
You can view Danaos’ Corporate Governance documents here.
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How can I be notified of Danaos Corporation’s SEC filings and other important announcements or events?
You can register to automatically receive email alerts concerning Danaos Corporation’s
recent SEC filings or notifications of important announcements and events using our
online registration form.
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How can I obtain Danaos Corporation’s financial documents?
Danaos is required to file periodic reports electronically with the SEC through
Edgar. These publicly disclosed electronic documents can be found on the SEC Edgar
website, http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml, or on the Danaos’ website here.
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When does Danaos Corporation’s fiscal year end?
Our fiscal year is based on the calendar year and ends December 31.
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Can I print or download a copy of the Annual Meeting materials?
Yes, copies of these documents are available on our website at this link.
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Do you have any other questions that haven’t been answered?
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